Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all Our Products.

Last updated: July 25th, 2024

Terms and Conditions

This Agreement is a legal document between You and Commuter Games, and it governs your use of all Our Products.

Physical and digital products published and/or distributed under the “Commuter Games” name, including this website and our published apps and games, all fall under the definition of Our Products.

By using Our Products you agree to the Terms and Conditions illustrated in this Agreement. Usage of Our Products begins from the moment any of Our Products is downloaded, purchased or acquired by You.

Terms and Conditions of this Agreement are subject to unannounced updates as our Products and audience grow and evolve. All updates to this Terms and Conditions are effective immediately.

General License

For each of Our Products, Commuter Games grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to download, install and use Our Products strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The aforementioned license grants exclusively personal, non commercial use of Our Products. You agree not to, and You will not permit others to:

  • License, sell, rent, lease, assign, distribute, transmit, host, outsource, disclose or otherwise commercially exploit Our Products or make the Product available to any third party.
  • Copy or use Our Products for any purpose other than as permitted under the section ‘General License’ of this Agreement.
  • Modify, make derivative works of, disassemble, decrypt, reverse compile or reverse engineer any part of Our Products.
  • Use Our Products as data for training AI models regardless of the scope, the result, the motivation and the technology used in doing so.
  • Remove, alter or obscure any proprietary part, notice, policy and remark of Commuter Games or its affiliates, partners, suppliers or the licensors of Our Products.
  • Use Our Products in breach of the Terms issued by the service providers for the platforms or hardware Our Products are available for.

Third Party Services

Our Products might make use of tools, software or services provided and run by Third Parties. When You use Our Products, you also agree to any Agreement or Policy that has been issued by Third Parties on their own website or communication platforms. Commuter Games shall not be held responsible for any implication and consequence of any Agreement issued by any of the Third Parties involved with Our Products.

Transactions and Refunds

By using, downloading or purchasing Our Products you agree to all the Terms issued by the service providers for the platforms or hardware Our Products are available for, including but not limited to all Terms and Conditions regarding transactions, purchases and refunds.

Commuter Games might be able to issue refunds for Our paid Products depending by the Terms and Conditions specific for each of the service providers. We do not grant, or have the ability to issue, refunds for any kind of product, service, feature or additional content purchased through in-app purchase systems within Our Products.

Intellectual Property

All Our Products, including without limitation all copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, website resources and assets and other intellectual property rights are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of Commuter Games.

Commuter Games shall not be obligated to indemnify or defend You with respect to any third party claim arising out of or relating to Our Products. To the extend Commuter Games is required to provide indemnification by applicable law, Commuter Games shall be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any claim that Our Products or Your use of these infringes any third party intellectual property rights.

Feedback and User generated Content

Commuter Games is to be considered the sole owner and copyright holder of any feature, service or functionality added within Our Products that has been previously suggested, recommended or requested from You or any of the Users.

When you create User generated Content within Our Products and make that Content available within the services of Our Products, such as your online nickname or any kind of shared Content to be used within Our Products, You agree that Commuter Games is the sole owner of that Content and is authorized to share and publish it across Our social accounts or within Our Products. We guarantee that all User generated Content is made available for free within Our Products or services.

Product Lifecycle

Commuter Games is authorized to perform unannounced updates, changes, improvements and maintenance to any of Our Products, which may temporarily or permanently add, alter or remove features or services within Our Products. Commuter Games has no obligation to provide specific features to You or any of the Users for Our Products, and is authorized to suspend temporarily or permanently support of any of Our Products at any point in time.

Agreement Termination

This Agreement is considered terminated when You delete all the copies of Our Products from any of your devices, platforms and digital support of Your property, or when Commuter Games decides to terminate this Agreement with You specifically, or in case of this Website, when you are no longer accessing it from any of your devices. Agreement termination from the part of Commuter Games may happen without prior notice.

Upon termination of this Agreement, you guarantee to cease any use of all Our Products covered by this Agreement, and of all the copies of Our Products. After termination of this Agreement, Commuter Games still retains complete rights over all Our Products, including legal rights for any breach of Agreement that may have happened during the validity of the Agreement.

Warranty and Liability

Each of Our Products is provided to You “as is” and “as available”, including any fault, defect or issue that might arise during or beyond Our Products lifecycle. At any point in time Commuter Games, its subsidiaries and its affiliates shall not be considered liable for any kind of damage, incident and misuse caused by Our Products. Commuter Games is not to be held accountable in case Our Products don’t meet Your requirements or expectations, regardless of how Our Products are being used.

For all questions and inquiries about this Agreement, please contact us: info [at] commuter [dot] games.